等级:版主 文章:303 积分:489 门派:逍遥派 注册:Tuesday, October 12, 2004 |
国际行动援助广西横县发展示范区人员招募 国际行动援助中国办公室招聘启示 AAIC Job vacancy 机构简介 行动援助是一个以消除贫困为宗旨的国际联盟组织。国际行动援助于1972年成立于英国,2004年秘书处迁到南非。30多年来,我们不断发展,在全球40多个国家开展工作帮助了超过1300万最贫穷和最弱势的群体,改善了他们生存和发展的状况。 在中国,我们与研究机构、媒体和民间团体一道,共同关注有关贫困农民、农民工以及妇女面对的问题,在资源管理、农村金融、生态农业、传统知识保护、气候变化、及贸易全球化影响等领域进行政策探索和倡导。 截止到2008年5月,我们在河北、陕西、甘肃、贵州和广西等五省区共建立了14个县级发展示范区,在37个乡镇的171个行政村开展了扶贫及社会服务等农村综合发展工作,约有15万中国妇女、儿童和贫困农民直接或间接受益。 Actionaid International is a partnership organisation with a mission to work with poor and excluded people to eradicate poverty and injustice. Formed in 1972, we have grown and expanded for over 30 years and now work in over 40 countries worldwide, helping 13 millions of the poorest and most disadvantaged people. In China, in alliance with research institutions, media, and non-governmental organisations, Actionaid concerns about the issues confronting poor farm households, rural migrant workers, and women. We conduct policy research and put forth our advocacy work in areas of natural resource management, rural finance, eco-agriculture, preservation of traditional knowledge, climate changes, and the impacts of trade and globalisation. By May of 2008, Actionaid has established 14 Development Areas (DA) in 14 counties of 5 provinces in China, working with rural people in 171 villages in 37 townships to eradicate poverty and promote comprehensive development of rural community. About 150 thousand women, children and poor farmers directly or indirectly have benefited from our work. 用人原则 1. 认同机构理念的申请者,诚信,正直,有志于为改变贫困人口和边缘群体生活; 2. 一旦被聘为国际行动援助的正式员工,不可兼职或从事第二职业; 3. 不录用与机构员工有亲属关系的申请者。 另外,我们鼓励有知识和能力的女性申请者。符合条件的申请者会得到笔试或面试通知。申请者若在招聘截止后一个月内没有得到任何通知,则视为申请失败。所有申请者资料只适用于本次招聘。 请发送相关中英文简历,资格证书,期望薪金及入职日期至: hrod.china@actionaid.org 或 recruitment.china@actionaid.org 申请截止日期为7月10日 In comply with the basic rules of personal management in ActionAid, we select the applicants who agree with the concepts and values of ActionAid, namely honesty, integrity, interested in improving lives of the poor and marginalized groups. Once the applicant is employed as formal staff of ActionAid, they are not allowed to engage in part-time job. Meanwhile, ActionAid does not hire applicants who have relatives’ relationship with the current employees. We encourage female applicants who are willing to contribute their experience and knowledge of rural development to apply for these positions. Only the short list candidates will be informed to attend the written test, interview and be involved in some activities. (Applicants who are not invited for an interview within one month after the closing date may consider their applications unsuccessful). All information provided will only be used for recruitment-related purpose. Please send your application letter and CV in both Chinese and English with relevant certificates, scanned qualifications, expected salary and the date of availability to hrod.china@actionaid.org or recruitment.china@actionaid.org The closing date is 30 June 2008 q 职位名称:发展示范区助理1名 工作地点:广西横县 主要职责: · 协助发展示范区协调员制定并执行所在的发展示范区的工作计划,包括3年计划、年度计划. · 协助县、乡、村级协助员,按要求完成儿童筹资项目报告和信息收集工作 · 定期汇报工作,在机构范围内交流实践经验并撰写年度工作报告 · 确保工作区域的资金正确使用并发挥最大效力 · 通过不同的方式方法确保社区自我发展能力的提高 · 密切联系政府部门,建立很强的合作伙伴关系 · 行动援助安排的其它工作 职位要求 · 至少是社会科学本科学历或者相关专业并有在发展领域至少三年的工作经验 · 能很好地运用参与式的方法,在项目发展,策划,管理和执行方面有很强的技能 · 自愿在边远贫困的社区和弱势人群工作,具有很强的社区组织能力 · 对工作区域的社会,文化和发展问题能够有很好的理解并能够在项目点花费足够的时间与贫困人群一起工作 · 良好的普通话和基本的英语技能和撰写报告和文件的技能 · 有能力在发展示范区内外描绘国际行动援助良好的公众形象和原则 · 诚实并具有良好的交流技能、人际关系技能和团队精神 · 具有潜在的领导能力,并优先考虑广西本地人。 |