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--  作者:醒醒
--  发布时间:10/12/2003 11:40:44 PM

--  夷狼看看合适咩

图左:【CORVUS C46 】重量:440克    Sizes : XS, S, M, L, XL
特点: 攀岩专用安全带。加厚的腰垫,使你长时间地在岩壁上悬挂时仍感到舒适。新设计的腿带,使你在攀爬时不会感到任何阻力。网上价格:487元
图中:【CORAX C51】Sizes: 1,2 Weight: 510 g  网上价格:531元
Adjustable leg loops : a great feature for those who venture out in both winter and summer. Because of their small size and positioning in the Delta System, the all-new DoubleBack buckles on the leg loops cause no discomfort. The waistbelt has two buckles to ensure that the tie-in point and equipment loops are always centered.
图右:【PANDION  C29】Sizes: 1,2     Weight: 290 g网上价格:298元  
The lightest and most compact harness in the range, the Pandion is ideal for snow and glacier travel. Thanks to its incredibly light weight, the Pandion is equally appreciated by gym climbers.

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