以文本方式查看主题 - 原野论坛 (http://www.gxyuanye.cn/index.asp) -- 阳光助学 (http://www.gxyuanye.cn/list.asp?boardid=16) ---- You are the sunshine of my life (http://www.gxyuanye.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=16&id=11714) |
-- 作者:凌波微步 -- 发布时间:6/2/2005 10:28:45 AM -- You are the sunshine of my life You are the sunshine of my life That\'s why I\'ll always be around, You are the apple of my eye, Forever you\'ll stay in my heart I feel like this is the beginning, Though I\'ve loved you for a million years, And if I thought our love was ending, I\'d find myself drowning in my own tears. You are the sunshine of my life, That\'s why I\'ll always stay around, You are the apple of my eye, Forever you\'ll stay in my heart, You must have known that I was lonely, Because you came to my rescue, And I know that this must be heaven, How could so much love be inside of you? You are the sunshine of my life, yeah, That\'s why I\'ll always stay around, You are the apple of my eye, Forever you\'ll stay in my heart. (Background) Love has joined us, Love has joined us, Let\'s think sweet love. 偶觉得这首歌很衬我们的组织诶,也挺好听的,就发上来了。 也希望快快天晴,我们能顺利出发去FEZ…… [此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-2 10:38:10编辑过]
-- 作者:毛驴 -- 发布时间:6/2/2005 2:12:20 PM -- 录下了,很浪漫轻快的爱情歌曲,我喜欢! |
-- 作者:凌波微步 -- 发布时间:6/2/2005 2:29:15 PM -- 《你是我生命里的阳光》虽然这本来是一首情歌,但是我觉得用来表达亲子之爱也很合适,用 来给我们的阳光助学活动伴奏也不错哦 你是我生命里的阳光/因此我永在你身旁/你是我眼里的珍宝/你将永在我心中…… 我胡乱翻译的哈,大家随便看下就得了 |
-- 作者:蒋哥哥 -- 发布时间:6/2/2005 7:57:51 PM -- 真是好音乐,我就喜欢这样的节奏,但是如果在我们是活动中配上这样的音乐就不合适了,毛驴应该还有更好的选择吧,这次VCD一定要超过上次的。 |
-- 作者:David -- 发布时间:6/2/2005 9:07:02 PM -- 凌波贴的歌好是好,但是太长,不容易上口,还是用我第一次去福尔泽小学晚上联欢时唱的那首<<you are my sunshine>>吧 you are my sunshine you are my sunshine the only sunshine you make me happy when sky is geeat do you know dear how much i love you please don\'t take my sunshine away 不会贴歌,请会的网友贴出来,谢谢! |
-- 作者:萧洒 -- 发布时间:6/2/2005 10:59:13 PM -- 这首歌不错的。支持~! |
-- 作者:小戏 -- 发布时间:6/2/2005 11:08:32 PM -- :)~~~ |
-- 作者:nn游侠 -- 发布时间:6/3/2005 12:02:53 AM -- 感觉更像一首爵士乐! |
-- 作者:爱就爱了 -- 发布时间:6/3/2005 10:39:12 AM -- 英文歌也是蛮好听的.虽然听不懂.呵呵.就是喜欢它的主旋律. |
-- 作者:百合 -- 发布时间:6/3/2005 10:41:55 AM -- 原来蒋哥是去当VCD的男主角。 |