以文本方式查看主题 - 原野论坛 (http://www.gxyuanye.cn/index.asp) -- 电脑通讯 (http://www.gxyuanye.cn/list.asp?boardid=15) ---- The 9th Pan-Asian 2mSSB DX mobile communication (http://www.gxyuanye.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=15&id=14047) |
-- 作者:八旗兄弟 -- 发布时间:6/2/2006 8:16:53 AM -- The 9th Pan-Asian 2mSSB DX mobile communication All participants are welcome! The 9th Pan-Asian 2mSSB DX mobile communication We are planning the Pan-Asian-Pacific region DX mobile communication event this year as usual. For the proliferation of amateur wireless radio, please conduct QSO with in-country and overseas stations by a usual communication mode in designated frequency. After the end please immediately send to the following address concerning information and photos to be published in radio magazine and used for amateur radio festival. ●Time:June 3, 2006 am 10:00 ~ June 4 pm 3:00 Participation fee: None ● Frequency: Frequency for contact: 21.370 MHz Taiwan (Taipei) 144.110MHz1 Taiwan (Tainan) 144.120MHz Okinawa 144.130MHz China (mainland: Shanghai,etc.) 144.140MHz Hong Kong 144.155MHz South Korea (Soul, Pusan) 144.170MHz Russia (Vladivostok, Sakhalin) 144.230MHz 4F2/VK etc. Pacific, 144.250MHz ●Address to send photos, etc. E-mail: jk1rjx@jarl.com,Mobile:090-7196-2246 Executive committee JK1RJX HONDA KIYOSHI Mainland China stations can be contact with BV2NT/ Mr.Lee, E-mail: bv2nt@ham.org.tw |
-- 作者:八旗兄弟 -- 发布时间:6/2/2006 8:17:15 AM -- 第9届环亚2M SSB DX移动通信活动报名通告 第9届环亚2M SSB DX移动通信活动报名即将展开,竭诚欢迎旧雨新知 各地同好呼朋引友组队参加.以下为详细日程及频率分配守则: 日期:2006年6月3日9:00(北京时间)~4日14:00(北京时间) HF带连络频率:21.370MHz 各地使用频点: 日本国内者请参照CQ Ham Radio表页通告 北台湾----------144.110MHz 南台湾----------144.120MHz 中国(上海或其它地区)----144.140MHz 冲绳(琉球)-----144.130MHz 香港-------------144.155MHz 俄罗斯----------144.230MHz 韩国-------------144.170MHz 大洋洲(澳大利亚&新西兰)----144.250MHz 请欲组队者速将报名申请书 填妥电邮至主办单位或由bv2nt代为处理转交. 本人邮箱请寄: bv2nt@ham.org.tw 致 礼! |