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---- 白水安全和救护(书) (http://www.gxyuanye.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=1&id=21571)
-- 作者:66
-- 发布时间:2/10/2010 11:19:52 PM
-- 白水安全和救护(书)
委托朋友从加拿大带回来《白水安全和救护》这本书,这是一本全面介绍白水安全和救护知识的书,正好可以拿来学习之用,每天翻译一点点,让自己能够学习坚持做一件事情。 此主题相关图片如下:
Introduction 序
About the Author 关于作者
Contributors 撰稿人
Section One — whitewater safety 第一章——白水安全
1 Principles of Safety 安全法则
2 Reading Whitewater 读水
3 Hazards 危险
4 Planning a Descent 计划旅行
5 skillful Paddling 划船技巧
6 Mental Preparation and warm up 心理准备及热身
7 Scouting Techniques 侦查技巧
8 Assessing Risk 评估风险
9 Organization 组织安排
10 Communication 交流沟通
11 Leadership 领队
12 Satety in Equipment Design 装备的安全设计
Section Two--Whitewater Rescue 第二章 白水救护
13 Basic Rescue Equipment 主要救护装备
14mmers,Boats,and Paddles 游泳者,船,浆
15 Stoppers 跌水
16 Pins and Entrapment
17 Protecting a Rapid 快速保护
18 Incident Management 迅速管理
Section Three --care of victims 第三章 照顾伤者
19 First Aid 首次援助
20 Resusctiation 救护
21 Moving Casualties 移动伤员
22 Post Traumatic Stress
Section Four--Access and reconvery 第四章—附件及恢复
23 Specialist Equipment 特殊装备
24 Rope Dynamics 绳索损坏
25 Recoveries 恢复
26 Other Access Techniques 其他辅助技术
Apppendices 附录
A Glossary of Terms 术语
B Knots and Hitches 结绳技巧
C Index 索引
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-2-12 11:22:01编辑过]
-- 作者:66
-- 发布时间:2/12/2010 11:22:46 AM
第一章 白水安全 1 Principles of safety 安全法则
1 Principles of safety 安全法则
Whitewater safety and rescue can appear a complex subject.However, it can be distilled into a few basic principles.These should be constantly borne in mind throughout the rest of this book. The mnemonic CLAP may help you remember them.
C communication L line of sight A avoidance P positioning
Communication 交流
Misunderstandings must be avoided at all costs. 避免误会。
Signals,intructions and briefings must be simple,clear and concise.Do not make assumptions.If necessary,question to check understanding.
When using signals:
* Point at where to go, rather than at the hazard. 指出走哪里,比冒险好。
* Confirm understanding by repeating the same signal. 重复同样的信号,确认已经理解。
Line of Sight 列队要在视线范围内
Never run anyting blind. 不要跑到大家看不到的地方
There are two facets to this:
* Paddlers can only choose a line and assess the level of risk if they are in a position to see what is coming.
* All members of the group should remain in the line of sight of at least one other member of the group.
Avoidance is Better than Cure. 防范比事后补救好
This covers a number of important guidelines: 重要的方针:
* Mutual Support --Paddlers should paddle as a mutually supportive team. 互相支持
* Preparation and palnning pervent poor perfomance。 事先准备和计划
* Clean Profile -- No knots or handles on your throw line, no loose or unnecessary straps on your Personal Rlotation Device(PFD),nothing that will increase the risk of snagging/entrapment. 保持整洁---不要在你的船上挂乱七八糟的东西,那会增加被障碍物钩到的危险。
* Assess the Risk -- and make your own decisions accordingly. 评估风险
* Talk,Reach,Throw,Tow,Go(TRTTG)-- Go for the low risk options first. 首先选择低风险的路径
* Plan B -- Ask yourself "What if?" and work out a back-up plan. B计划--问自己“如果。。。要怎样?”和制定一个备选计划
* Kiss--Keep it short and simple. 尽量简单
* Nothing a rescuer does should make the victim worse off.
Position of Maximum Usefulness 处于最有利的地形
Being in the right place at the right time is the key. 在对的地方和对的时间是关键
* When protecting a rapid, paddlers should position themselves so as to cover the highest risk. This usually means covering the problems that are most likely to occur, rather than the most dangerous hazard.
* Look to your own safety -- If you get into trouble you can\'t help anyone else. 让你自己安全---如果你陷入危机,你将不能帮助别人
-- 作者:66
-- 发布时间:2/12/2010 11:24:36 AM
2 Reading Whitewater 读水(1)
Figure 2-1 Directions and flow on straight section of river
Knowledge is power. Only by understanding how moving water behaves can we use it, and by so doing avoid unnecessary or unacceptable levels of danger.
The terms we use for ginving directions on the river.
When giving directions or describing a feature on a river, it is important to use the same language so as to avoid misunderstandings.
river left downstream upstream river right
Upstream is where the water is flowing from and downstream is where it is flowing to. River right and left are simply right and left when faceing downstream.
Straight Section of River
As a genneral rule, when a river is running in a straight line the current is strongest in the middle and weakest near the banks.
MAIN FLOW--Away from the friction caused by contact with the banks, the current flows at its fastest. The layer nearest the river bed is the slowest and the layer just beneath the surface is the fastest. This is because the surface layer is slowed down a little by the friction caused by contact with the air.
Helical Flow
Figure 2-2 shows a cross-section of helical flow at river banks.
There may be a shallow counter current very close in to the bank. These create minute eddies that can be exploited by the boater. However, because they are relatively shallow, they are of little help to ammer.
The friction provided by the banks slows the current down and causes it to spiral in such a way that the surface water near the edges of a fast flowing, straight sided river can push ammer away from the bank. Therefore one should never assume thatmmers are safe, even if they aremming strogly, until they are actually out of bank. Despite this, it si far easier to get ashore against the relatively slow helical flow than where the powerful main flow sets into the bank.
Flood Channels
Where the banks of a wtercourse are smooth sided there may be no helical flow and the main flow runs right up to the bank. This usually happens in man-made structures such as flood relief channels and cannalized rivers.
Bends in the River
Figure 2-3 The main current will always go towards the outside of a bend. On the outside of a bend the water is deep and fast where the main flow sets right into the bank. On the inside it is slow and shallow. Because of the erosion thus caused, undercut banks and overhanging trees are often a hazard. Undercut bankes can be doubly dangerous as there may be tree roots or debris whic can act as a "strainer" and trap ammer.
-- 作者:66
-- 发布时间:2/12/2010 11:26:19 AM
2 读水(2)
Upstream & Downstream Vs
Rocks that are just above or just below the surface are usually indicated by a V shape on the surface of the water. The point of the letter V is pointing upstream. Conversely, the route taken by the main flow of water is indicated by a letter V shape whose point is pointing downstream. This "tongue" of clear water usually indicates the best route.
Figure 2-5 right, V tongue of water pointing the way. Rio Chotohuasi, Peru.
Figure 2-6 below, upstream and downstream Vs,viewed from above.
Rooster Tails
In a fast flowing river which has a steep gradient, a rock that is only just converd may be indicated by a "rooster tail", a plume of white frothy water.
Figure 2-7 small rooster tail over a bearly coverd rock.
Figure 2-8 going left to avoid the obvious rooster tail, Rio Susisa,Bolivia. PhotMark Rainsley.
-- 作者:66
-- 发布时间:2/12/2010 11:27:58 AM
Wherever flowing water is forced around an obstruction, an "eddy" is formed. This is caused by a counter current flowing in the opposite direction to the main flow, to fill what would otherwise be a hole!
Figure 2-9 (left) an eddy formed behind a midstream boulder. Figure 2-10 (right) an eddy formed by an obstruction on bank
Eddies are usually places of relative calm in which we can rest, or pause to read the next section of rapid, before we commit ourselves to paddling it. We often paddle a river by hopping from one safe eddy to another.This can be visualized by imagining the main flow of the river as a fast moving conveyor belt and the eddies as a series of stable platforms which we can hop on to, in order to rest and get our bearings.
In slow flowing or low volume technical rivers, eddies are usually calm places. In fast flowing, high volume rivers, the counter current can be fast flowing and the water in the eddy fairly turbulent.
In the worst case scenario the recirculating current in an eddy can feed you straight back into the main current, or into a hazard you were trying to advoid.
* Eddy lines--The eddy line or "eddy fence" is a visible line on the surface of the water that marks the border between the main flow and the counter current. Think of it as the point where the edge of the conveyor belt meets the platform. When one aims to eddy-out or eddy-in, at an angle of, say 45°, the angle is between the directiong of travel and the main flow, which is not necessarily the same as the general direction that the river is heading in.
*Eddy zones -- On less powerful rivers the line between the eddy and main current will be quite distinct at the top of the eddy. However, the line will gradually become less distinct and broaden so that it becomes a zone rather than a line.
In very hight volume rivers flows, the whole eddy may be huge and full ofrls and boils. On this type of river it may be better to stay out in the main flow until the rapid loses power and the eddies become calmer. When you go for an eddy, choose where to cross the eddy zone so that you end up in a quiter part of the eddy.
Figure2-11 Habretooth Rapid (Grade IV) Clearwater, BC. Note the huge boils in the eddy on river left (top right of photo)